Get relief from constipation by practicing Ayurvedic ways

In a perfect world, one would experience one to three bowel movements on average per day and feel satisfied afterward. The stool should be well-formed but soft, “like a ripe banana,” and there shouldn’t be any straining. Elimination should occur at reasonably regular intervals, with the first movement usually happening right after awakening. If you do not have regular bowels and feel uneasiness every time, it is called constipation. Regretfully, mild or severe constipation is a very real problem for many people in our Vata-disordered world. If you are also facing constipation problems, you must find Ayurvedic and herbal care treatment from the experts at Natural Herbal & Ayurvedic Center. With effective treatment, it is possible to experience easy and normal bowels.

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    Why seek Ayurvedic help to cure constipation?

    High Vata (the air and space element) in the colon is considered to be the primary cause of constipation. The colon in your body causes Vata dosha and with time it results in constipation. The specific causes of each individual’s high Vata will differ. It can be excessive eating of junk or processed foods, improper dietary habits, overeating, etc. However, some people suffer from chronic constipation conditions that are genetic rather than their dietary habits. Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on disease prevention. The Ayurvedic experts at Natural Herbal & Ayurvedic Center treat constipation with a variety of healthy options rather than relying just on laxatives and short-term comfort. The remedies are not limited to only natural laxatives. You are also advised to follow an Ayurvedic diet, physical activity, and massage therapy to enhance your digestive system.

    How can ayurvedic cures for constipation work to ensure a healthy life?

    There are several Ayurvedic cures to get relief from constipation. Proper oils help to lubricate the tissues, which permits the proper amount of fat or oil to remain in the stool. The best oils for vata are olive oil, ghee, and sesame oil, while most oils are good for you. Fruit is often vata-balancing, strong in fiber, and hydrating. Try to consume ripe bananas, apples, prunes, raisins, and peaches. Eat the fruit at least an hour before or after other meals. It will help you to get the maximum benefits. Also, make sure to chew it thoroughly. You are also advised other Ayurvedic remedies according to your age, and overall health condition. By choosing the Ayurvedic ways, you can experience positive changes in your overall health. You will experience regular bowels and find relief in performing your regular activities.

    Natural Remedies for Constipation Relief